Prince Faisal bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah Region, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Madinah Research and Studies Center, launched the Oral Documentation Initiative (their narrative) under the supervision of the Center. Prince Faisal bin Salman, while presiding over the 46th meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Medina Research and Studies Center, stressed the importance of this scientific step in documenting and monitoring our oral history in its various scientific, cultural, economic and social aspects, noting that this documentation will enrich the National Library with a number of studies and research. The Emir of Madinah welcomed the center's new members, Ahmed Al-Hafir, President of the General Court in Madinah, and Engineer Fahd Al-Balishi, Secretary-General of the Madinah Development Authority. It is expected that the initiative will open a wide field, to find out about some of the sources of oral documentation through a number of narrators, centenarians and contemporary statesmen in various fields, in addition to a number of social and cultural figures and others. During the meeting, the Board of Directors of the Madinah Research and Studies Center reviewed publishing programs, scientific investigation, scientific studies and cultural activities, in cooperation between the Center and a number of universities and scientific institutions. Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah Research and Studies Center represents a scientific edifice concerned with collecting information about Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah from various sources and information vessels such as books, articles and research.
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مفكر سعودي
من أوائل الحاصلين على البورد الأمريكي في مجال الجراحة العامة
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من المُعمرين في المدينة المنورة وله مؤلفات عديدة في التاريخ والأنساب والأدب والشعر
أحد رجالات الدولة ووجهاء المجتمع
ولد في المدينة المنورة عام 1374هـ
وكيل إمارة منطقة المدينة المنورة وعسير ونجران سابقاً
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مهتم بتاريخ ومعالم المدينة المنورة